Saturday, February 14, 2009

February 18, 2009

We had a very pleasant day this past Wednesday. We missed Michaela and Jackson. It seems like a lot of families are fighting colds but I do hope that everyone will return healthy and rested next week.
We got to celebrate Charlie's fourth birthday this past week. The cookie cake was delicious and was a hit with all of us! Thanks, Karin, for letting us be a part of Charlie's special week.
We'll spend one more week on our "bucket fillers" study. The children seem to be more deliberate about doing and saying nice things to others. I'm optimistic that this study will leave a lasting impact on all of us.
I took a poll and most of the children want to do a foods in literature unit next month. I'll send out more information next week along with a March calendar. I'm hoping to schedule a lot of different activities for next month.
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hey, what about the sniffer you had in class on Wednesday? HAHA.