It was a beautiful day and today's weather was in stark contrast from last week's weather. We went from Winter to Spring in one week! The children had a great time outside today. We played in the woods and in the back yard for a good while.
We missed Michaela today. Andrew was out sick last week but he was back today. I hope that everyone gets well soon.
We enjoyed our spaghetti lunch. The children ate well. We had spaghetti and cheese bread along with banana cupcakes. I enjoyed serving them. Syan was still talking about mac and cheese so next time we may be eating homemade mac and cheese:-)
We are still talking about filling buckets. We'll read it each week this month. I think that the children really like the book and they are enjoying the challenge of being bucket fillers. I'll close this post with some comments from the children last week on how to fill buckets:
"We can be kind." Charlie
"Give hugs and kisses." Syan
"Tell them it's okay." Michaela
"Be nice to people." Jackson
Next week is Charlie's birthday and show and tell. See you then!
1 comment:
I didn't get a cupcake :-( Hehe. Andrew tonight was sharing his meme with Addison and told me that God would bless him for being so nice. He said, "God is saying, 'Good job, Andrew. That is so sweet." I smiled at him and told him that he was filling Addison's bucket like he was learning at Nannie's school :-) (Isn't that how that story works?)
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