Sunday, February 01, 2009

January 28, 2009

This past Wednesday was the last day of our Winter unit. Our last story of the unit was a flannel board story of The Mitten. All of the children enjoyed the story and were very attentive.
We enjoyed a hot cocoa party and Dawn P. brought muffin tops in honor of Michaela's birthday. It was a festive day! For our art project, we made snow globes. I've posted a picture of the finished products.
We went for a walk in the woods today because it was so wet and muddy in the grassy areas. The children excitedly looked for places of hibernation again. They are getting so good at spotting places where animals could hibernate for the Winter.
Our music and movement time was a blast! I think the children were exhausted from all of the shaking and moving! Our last song was "The Freeze" which the children love. When the song freezes, we have to freeze.
We're moving on to a study of practicing acts of kindness. We'll spend the month of February reading "Have You Filled A Bucket Today?" by Carol McCloud. This is a wonderful book and I am excited about implementing it into a monthly unit.
I'm going to send out information about upcoming field trips. Please let me know if you and your child will are interested in attending. Also, book orders are past due so if you plan on ordering books, please return orders on Wednesday. Thanks!

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