Last Wednesday was our first day of our "Bucket Fillers" unit. If your child hasn't told you about being a "bucket filler" then now is the time to ask! Basically, the story is about all of the buckets that each one of us has within. You can fill a bucket by doing nice things and saying nice things. You can also dip from another bucket by doing the opposite. However, we can't fill our own buckets by dipping from another's bucket.
Our goal, beginning this month, is to do things to fill each other's buckets. We've even decorated metal buckets that we are going to use in class. When someone has filled our bucket, we can give them a foam heart to put in their metal bucket. I hope that it will encourage us all to be more deliberate about doing and saying nice things.
Our Valentine's Day party is on Wednesday. I'll be cooking for the children so no need to pack any lunches this week. We will be exchanging Valentines so send those on Wednesday. See you then!
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