Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Accidents

Last week, we learned about a playful artist, Marcel Duchamp (Doo-shamp).  Duchamp was a French painter that was part of a group of artists that liked to try new methods of approaching art.  He believed in "happy accidents" and enjoyed dropping pieces of string onto paper.  We decided to try this last week.  Not only did the children get a chance to explore and create but the activity also encouraged the use of fine motor skills.  We used clothes pins to drop and pick up the paint soaked strings. 

This week, we're going back to our study of Jackson Pollock and we'll be making Jackson Pollock cookies.  We'll also be celebrating spring with a kite flying time and a pizza party.  Please pack a drink and a side item for your child.  I'll provide the rest.   See you Wednesday! 

(Several of the following pictures are of the boys dancing.  We had our music and movement time outside.)

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