Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cubes and Pyramids

Last week, we learned more about shapes and colors in art.  We reviewed cylinders and we read a book about pyramids.  We also learned about the artist, David Smith.  David Smith was an America artist that was known for his metal sculptures.  He would stack steel cubes on cylinders of steel.   

The boys got a chance to review shapes and colors when we played color/shape bingo.  They did a great job following along and filling up their bingo cards.  During art, we made shapes out of silly putty.  What a treat that was!  The boys and I loved the homemade silly putty!

Tomorrow, we'll learn about Jackson Pollock and explore painting on canvas.  


Laura said...

Love the silly putty. What do I put in it again to make it not so sticky???

MsAnnasPreK said...

It's liquid starch and Elmer's school glue. Fun, fun, fun! I'll give you the recipe.