We had a wonderful time together this past week! We began our study of Christmas by reading the book, The Pine Tree Parable. Did you child tell you child tell you about the tradition of Christmas trees and how they represent about the birth of Jesus? Here is how:
*Triangle shape of tree is symbolic of the Trinity
*Jesus died on a cross (tree)
*A Christmas tree is an evergreen- eternal life and Jesus lives forever
*The tree points towards Heaven
We made Styrofoam ornaments using Styrofoam balls, glitter paint, glitter, and jeweled sequins. They look beautiful hanging out our little tree! Check out the posted pictures.
We'll make glass ornaments during the next two class meetings. This is a favorite art activity each year in December.
The children worked well together this week. The kids spent a lot of time working on robot. I was so proud of their cooperation. You can see their creation in the group picture that is posted. Also, several of them put together an alphabet puzzle and a math puzzle which required a lot of thinking and adding/subtracting.
We'll have "show and tell" next week! See you then!
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