Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Lists

We decorated the glass ornaments today which has become an annual tradition. It's an activity that we all really enjoy. I've posted a picture of our tree with all of the ornaments that we've made so far. Our "Charlie Brown tree" looks so beautiful now. Don't worry, I promise to send all of the ornaments home next week:-)
We read the story, How God Decorates Heaven For Christmas. The children shared their favorite holiday traditions during circle time. We also made a list of things that each child wants for Christmas. I hope that Sean and Dawn Patterson read this! Here's the list:
"I want Legos and a Thomas Train." Charlie
"I want a dirt bike with all of the equipment, clothes, and Slimmers." Jackson
"I want Elvis Cd's." Syan
"I want makeup, a phone, a brother, a TV, a pony, and a pretty bow." Michalea
"I want a Buzz Lightyear toy." Andrew
I don't know if your child has mentioned it or not but we are doing a special activity that is similar to the Resurrection Eggs. It's called, "What God Really Wants for Christmas" and each week, we open two boxes. In each box, there is something that tells us about the birth of Jesus. We'll open the last two boxes next week.
Next week is our extended day so we'll meet from 9:30-3:00. It's an early Christmas present for the mothers. I hope that each mother can take advantage of a few extra hours of class. We'll also be having a Christmas party that day. I'll email reminders about what each child is bringing.
Here is a new little song that we learned today:
(Tune of Happy Birthday)
On the first Christmas Day
From the Father above
Came the little Lord Jesus
To show us God's love.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
I love you dear Jesus
Happy birthday to you.

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