Wednesday, November 12, 2008

November 12, 2008

Check out the picture of the turkeys that we made today. Aren't they cute? The children seemed to have a great time making them.
Our story for today was "Over the River and Through the Wood" by Lydia Maria Child. The story is a wacky twist on the classic song that we all grew up singing. The children enjoyed the humorous illustrations of the family from the city traveling to the country.
Today was the perfect day for making leaf piles. I'm sure that you probably noticed how dirty we all looked at 1:30 today. We had a great time in the woods.
We will be doing a few cooking activities next week in celebration of Thanksgiving. It should be fun! I look forward to seeing everyone next week.


Laura said...

Cute turkeys! Did you guys sing a pumpkin song? Andrew was singing a song to me last night about a pumpkin. It was very cute and I figured he learned it at school.

MsAnnasPreK said...

Thanks Aunt Laura! I posted the song on the previous post. The children love that song and so do I! Grandma used to sing it too!