Thursday, November 06, 2008

Intro To Thanksgiving

This past Wednesday was the first day of our Thanksgiving unit. We learned about the very first Thanksgiving and we talked about how each of us celebrates Thanksgiving with our families. We also learned about the Native Americans and the Pilgrim's travels on the Mayflower Ship to America.
Some of the children are learning the Thanksgiving song that we like to sing every year. We like to call it the "Mr. Turkey" song. Syan wants me to write down the words so I'll post those at the bottom of this post. Some of you may know it from your childhood. My grandmother knew this song so I assume that it has been around a while.
We had a new friend join us today. Poppin or "Poppi" is Jackson's new puppy and she spent the day with us. The children absolutely loved her and enjoyed playing with her. She was wonderful with them too. We talked about Jesse's death and having Poppi seemed to add a bit of sunshine to what could have been a sad day.
See you next week!
Turkey & Pumpkin Song:
Thanksgiving Day is coming
So Mr. Turkey said.
And very careful I must be or I may lose my head.
The pumpkin told the turkey,
"I'm frightened too, oh my!
They'll mix me up with sugar and spice
and I'll be a pumpkin pie!"

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love the face Andrew is making. I asked Webb if he taught him that :-) Poppi looks so cute (and tired!) She was worn out after school, wasn't she?