The Children made playdough. They measured, poured, mixed, and cooked. Everyone did a great job working together, taking turns, and following directions.

The children fingerpainted today:

The pizza today was delicious! Thank you, Ms. Laura for buying pizza for us. And, thanks to Syan for bringing in homemade cookies to share.
Next week, we will begin our whole language unit. We will read a favorite book from each friend's collection. All of our activities will be centered around the themes in each book.
Glad you guys enjoyed the pizza! Send me that playdough recipe so maybe I can make it with Andrew on a rainy day.
I would like to thank the girls in Ms. Anna's class for making Anderson feel so loved when he visited your classroom yesterday. The squeals pouring out of the bathroom window was a self-esteem boost, and he loved every minute of it. We knew Andrew was a fan of his big cousin, but it was a bit of surprise to see these sweet girls giving him so much attention.
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