Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

We had one of our best days yet. Everyone seemed so peaceful today. For our art project, the children decorated mugs. We used them during our Teddy Bear Tea to drink hot chocolate from. Each child got a chance to measure and pour ingredients. The rain held off long enough for us to go on a nature walk. We looked for "clues" (animal prints) to see if any animals had been in the woods where we were walking. We had fun talking, sharing, and singing as we explored. There were several exciting things about today. We shared lots of delicious Valentine treats. In addition to that, the girls (Andrew had already left) got to dance and sing in the rain. They had the best time and it brought me so much joy to watch the excitement on their faces. If we could all be more like children! Next time, I am going to join them! Thank you to all of the mothers for bringing in desserts for us to share with one another. The children seemed to take great pride in what they brought. Happy Valentine's Day! I love you all!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love the pictures of "Mr. Bear." It looks so funny the way Andrew is holding him. Sorry he missed out on playing in the rain. Love you. Thanks for all that you do!