Saturday, January 30, 2010


Well, guess what?  We read about snowflakes on Wednesday and that's exactly what we woke up to this morning!  I hope that you all are able to enjoy the nice surprise that Winter brought North Carolina. 

We learned that all snowflakes have six sides and no two are alike. We also learned that snow benefits plants and animals by providing a blanket to the ground.  It's also like rain in that it softens the ground for plants to grow later. 

We talked more again about hibernation.  I think the children are finally learning that big word.  In keeping with our study of bears, we created a gummy bear graph as seen in the picture below.  The children were asked first to sort the bears into groups by color.  After that, they were to count the bears and stamp a square on the graph that represented each color of that particular gummy bear.  I was impressed with their math skills! 


Next week, we'll be going on a bear hunt.  I've told the kids to wear their hunting gear.  Also, if you have any snow pictures to share, send them over.  I'll post them on the blog later.  


Jackson showed the children some lanterns from Grand Asia Market. 
He taught us what he learned about the traditions of Chinese New Year.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I've actually got a cute pictures of Jackson and Andrew in the snow. I'll send it ASAP.