Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Well, there wasn't a dull moment today but then again, with a class full of boys I don't think there ever could be.  They were busy and wild and constantly touching one another.  Maybe in some ways, they were just getting into the Christmas spirit. 
Today, we celebrated Andrew's birthday and Jesus' too.  Laura supplied the pizza and the cookies for all of us to enjoy. I do think that we all enjoyed it. 

We read about the star today and we discussed why we still put stars on our Christmas trees today.  The children decorated star ornaments with their pictures on them. I took pictures of the finished product but had forgotten to do so until Ryan and Logan left. Also, I remembered the journals today but left all of my sheets inside that were supposed to go in the journals.  I'll add that when we are back together in January. 

Our print script activity today was about Christmas.  I asked each child what makes Christmas special to him/her.  Here are the responses: 

"My choo choo train that I got when I was three-years-old.  I like playing with it."  Andrew

"Opening Presents."  Ryan

"Santa Claus brings me a Percy train." Bennett

"God and my family, Christmas cookies, and Christmas trees."  Logan

"Going downstairs and seeing what presents are there."  Jackson

I hope that the children sleep well tonight.  I know that I will.  We had a busy day together and although it was somewhat crazy, it's times like today that I learn about how patient my Heavenly Father is with me.  He never gives up on  me and he's more than patient as I grow.  I'm thankful for what he's done in all of our lives this year, over the past four months.  Thank you for sharing your children with me.  I love each of you and your children.  Merry Christmas!  See you back at preschool in 2010.   

1 comment:

Laura said...

I bet I know what you want for Christmas after Wednesday's class. HAHA! I wonder if that is what kids are like in year round schools where they have long breaks a lot...they probably get all excited and give their teachers a hard time, too :-)