Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Doorbell Rang

We had a very relaxing day. Only Charlie and Syan were present for the entire day! Michalea is sick with an ear infection. Andrew spent the day with his Granddaddy and cousin who is on Spring Break. Jackson spent the day with his Daddy working and visiting family out of town. That meant that Charlie and Syan got some extra attention and TLC today;-)
The first activity of the day was a computer program. Syan and Charlie worked on learning letter sounds and learning new words. I think that they enjoyed using the laptop. We worked on our delicious art project afterwards. We decorated cookies using food coloring and straws. Our cookies looked somewhat like edible Jackson Pollock masterpieces.
Our story today was The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchins. We used the abacus to help us add and subtract throughout the story. We also learned about sharing and the blessings that sometimes come as a result. After our story, we used the water table to help us learn about measuring using measuring cups and water.
We had a very small class but it was a great day nonetheless. Hopefully we'll have everyone return next week for our story of The Little Red Hen. Hope to see you then!

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