Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Intro To Apples

We started our study of apples today. Fall arrives in five days so now is the perfect time for us to be learning about all of the many varieties of apples.
We learned about the different parts of a plant and what job each part has. We talked about what apple trees need in order to be healthy. We discovered that they need a lot of things that we humans need.
The book that we read today was "The Apple Pie Tree" by Zoe Hall. We learned about how an apple tree grows. We also learned that bees help our apple trees grow by pollinating the apple blossoms. We can't wait to taste apples soon and make our own apple pie!
The children enjoyed painting apple trees during art. Each child was then asked to dictate a story about his/her tree. I hope to post those on the blog.
We also celebrated Jackson's 7th birthday today. He turned "7" on Sunday so we thought we'd celebrate as a class today. The children were excited all day about having cupcakes after lunch.
We are reciting the "Apple Tree" finger play. I thought that I would share it in case you'd like to practice at home:
Away up high in the apple tree,
(Hold hands above head)
Two red apples smiled at me.
(Form circles with thumb and forefinger of each hand)
I shook that tree as hard as I could.
(Put hands out as if on a tree- shake)
And down came the apples,
(Hands above head and lower to ground)
Mmmmmm good!
(Rub tummy)

1 comment:

Laura said...

I think I'm going to have to get those yummy apples from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory for you guys when you are done with the study. Mary Grace gave Christopher one dipped in SNICKERS! It was so good!!!! Healthy snack, uh? :-)