We finished the last of the Laura Numeroff "Mouse" books today. If You Give a Moose a Muffin was the book that we read today. We actually listened to the story being read on a CD. There were a few songs that were included on the CD that the children thoroughly enjoyed so we also used it as part of our music and movement activities.
The children made sock puppets like the ones that were in the "Moose" story. This afternoon, they put on an entertaining puppet show for each other. I posted one of the pictures above.
We made it out for a few minutes today. The children played with the sidewalk chalk and ran around in the rain for a short while. We really needed to get out today!
We'll begin our study of apples next week. I am looking forward to it and all of the field trips and activities that will accompany our study.
1 comment:
Andrew loves his sock puppet, "Pum Pum." That's what he has named it for some reason. And he is very particular in HOW you say his name. You must spit when saying it (haha). He did a short show for me tonight in the playroom. So cute!
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