Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our First Day Back

Well, I must say that it was sad to not see Allyson and Halei today. It was quite weird to have such a small group. Michaela was out sick too. We missed our old girls. Children seem to adjust much better than adults and Syan, Andrew, and Jackson made the most of being back together again. We had an awesome fun-filled day! Boy, we were busy too! We read the story, If You Take A Mouse To School. We talked a little about the letter "M" and made mountain M's out of shaving cream. We also made clay volcanoes just like Mouse did in our story. The children loved the science experiment using vinegar and baking soda. Hopefully, the volcanoes will by dry enough to take home next week. We tasted some of the fruits that are ripe in the garden next door. We had watermelon for a snack and we tasted a few varieties of grapes. The children loved the grapes. Next week, we will taste the figs that are ripe. We are going to make a cookie graph next week. Please bring some cookies to share so that we can graph our favorites. Don't forget that we are taking a field trip next week. We'll be leaving at 1:00. You might want to pack a snack that day since we'll be out for the afternoon. I hope to see everyone next week! I am so excited about the year!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Love the pictures!!!! We will be bringing the Oreo cookies next week. Andrew had such a wonderful time!!!