Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I just cannot say it enough. Thank you for sharing your children with me this year. They have been a huge blessing to me. I still cannot believe that it is all over.
The pool party was a lot of fun. Thank you for bringing all of the delicious sides and desserts. The children seemed to have a great time, despite the cooler temperatures. Thank you all for coming out.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful summer. Let's plan on meeting one day this summer. Keep in touch! I love you all!


Holly said...

I'm glad everyone had fun at the pool. I wish the water had been warmer, but you know the kids--they never seem to mind!

I can't believe that next summer Bennett will be preparing to start preschool with Nanny!!

Laura said...

Thanks for being the BEST preschool teacher ever!

MsAnnasPreK said...

I cannot believe that this year is over. I am going to miss everyone.
It is hard to believe that Bennett will be three next year and that Andrew will close to five! Wow! Time flies when you are having fun!

Thanks for letting us use the pool, Holly. Thank you Laura for taking care of all of my administrative duties this year and for the cookie cake:-)