We learned about the artist, Georgia O'Keeffe. Georgia liked to paint flowers so that's exactly what we did today. We painted flowers on canvas. We found a lot of flowers in bloom outside today so it was a wonderful way to extend our study!
We have fuzzy visitors in our room! We've got 8 caterpillars which will soon be Painted Lady butterflies. They have grown a lot since I got them on Monday. I'll keep blogging about the changes if there are any between now and Wednesday. We read a story today about the metamorphosis that will be taking place. The children are very excited!
Looks like the kids had a blast! I'm going to try and get Andrew to paint a little bit more for me so I can hang up some of his pictures. Where did you get that canvas?
I got a large pack from AC Moore but you can purchase them at Michael's and Walmart. The children enjoy painting on canvas since most of them don't get to do that too often.
We did have a great day! I know that I had fun!
My conversation with Andrew about this picture: "I love your painting. Did you have fun doing that?" "Yeah, but Nannie said I can't put my hand in the paint. I'm so sorry. I have to go now." HAHA.
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