Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Making Pizzas

Today, we read Syan's book book about being thankful. We learned that all things come from God, even macaroni because all of our food ingredients come from the earth which God created. Syan's book was similar to one of my favorite books, The Little Red Hen Bakes A Pizza. We read both books today and we made some foods of our own. As you can see from the pictures, we made pizzas during art. Each child choose his/her ingredients to go on their mini pizzas. Also, we baked our own pizzas to eat for lunch. The children love this activity! We had a great time outside today. The weather was beautiful! Several of the children drove the Fisher Price race cars. You should have seen them. I thought that we might have to hire a pit crew to do some repairing after they got finished riding:-) They had fun. Oh, speaking of recess, did you know that physical exercise strongly correlates with increased brain mass, better cognition, mood regulation, and new cell growth? Interesting, huh? The Internet provides us with great information regarding the benefits of play and exercise. I think that there is enough evidence to encourage us and our children to get out and play. Here is a link that you might enjoy (I have many so let me know if you are interested in reading more): In addition to the activities that I've mentioned, we also worked on writing and dictating sentences today. The children are reading the Teddy Bear Teddy Bear poem from our chart which is helping us with sight words. They seem to love this activity. We read it at least three times today! Thank you for sharing the wonderful books with the class this past month. I think that this month's lessons were a hit with the children. I am looking forward to our last unit study of the school year, "All About Art." Beginning next week, we are going to learn about different artists and participate in projects where we can implement their techniques.


Holly said...

Man, I forgot it was Pizza Day! Bennett and I wanted to join you for pizza! :)

Andrew cracks me up in pictures...he has his daddy's serious face on, doesn't he? :) I love it.

Laura said...

Seriously, that picture of Syan, Andrew, and Halei is hilarious! I can't stop laughing. I saw Andrew's work in his journal (writing his name). He was very proud of it! Thanks so much for working with him. He loves it.