Today was our pajama party. During group time, we got in our sleeping bags and read the story of
Bearsie Bear And The
Surprise Sleepover. We had a special guest,
Cobey, join us today. Andrew liked having two boys to play with! We learned a lot of bear facts today. We also reviewed some of those facts while the children were hiding in their bear caves (sleeping bags). We really had an exciting day. Here are just a few of the other activities that we were busy doing:
Art- Quilt art
Group activity: Bear Bingo (counting, sequencing, color)
Music/Movement: *Bear songs
*Bears hiding in caves (movement activity)
A few interesting bear facts that we've learned:
*Bears can see and hear like us. They have a good sense of smell.
*There are 8 different kinds of bears.
*Bears eat nuts, fruits, berries, plants, insects, honey, fish and other animals.
*Bears are mammals (they nurse their babies). They have anywhere from 1 to 3 cubs. A cub will stay with his mother for a few years.
*Cubs are born during hibernation.
I was able to see the children during their pajama party today, and they all looked like they were having so much fun. It made me excited to think that Bennett will going to Ms. Anna's in a few years!
Yea! I hope that Bennett, MC, Scott Thomas, and Cole will join me one day. All of the children are aging out soon which makes me sad. I need something to look forward to:-)
Love the pictures...Andrew was telling Christopher about being chased by the bear :-)
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