Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Well, we only have one more week left in April after this which means May will be here very soon! I hope that the next three weeks go by very slow. I am sad that the school year is coming to an end. It must be true when people say "time flies when you are having fun" because this year has flown right by me! The next three weeks will be the last of a lot of things. One being Jackson's last three weeks of preschool with his mama! He has been with me in the school for over five years now (if I include the time he was in my womb and I was out there teaching:-) I look at the girls and I have noticed how much they have changed also over the year. They've not only grown physically, but emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I wish that I had a video camera that would record us throughout each Wednesday. I really could publish a best-seller with some of their quotes, words of wisdom, and insight. They are so much fun! I have three good daughter-in-law prospects to choose from! I am just kidding! They do mean a lot to me and so do their wonderful families. Today was "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" and boy did we have a good time with this story! The children acted out the story several times after we read it together. They even got to walk on the table which of course was fun. We also used finger puppets today which you may have seen inside your child's journal. Oh, and the artwork was wonderful. Each child drew their own bridge and troll and then we attached the goats (big, medium, and small). The illustrations were wonderful! Next week we will read about the three little kittens. We will also bake miniature apple pies next week. See you then!

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