Sunday, April 25, 2010

Munch Masks

On Wednesday, we learned about the artist, Edvard Munch (MOONCH).  He was known for expressing his sad feelings from his difficult childhood through his art.  His most famous painting was called, "The Scream".  We talked about how art allows us to express feelings through various ways. Our art project for the day was one that allowed us to hide facial expressions.  The children created masks using various papers and markers.  Not only did they get the chance to be creative but the tearing, cutting, and gluing allowed them to work on their fine motor skills. 

The rain held off during the day long enough for us to go outside and use the sidewalk chalk.  The boys enjoyed drawing squares and making up their own game.  They also wanted me to trace their bodies so they could see how big they are.  They really enjoyed that and I think if you asked them, they'd tell you that was the highlight of the day. 

Can you believe that we only have three weeks of classes left?  As much as I'm looking forward to the summer months ahead, I know that I must savor every minute with the boys during the upcoming weeks. 
I've said this before and I truly mean it.  They have been a delight to watch grow and develop.  On most days, I feel like there is harmony in our classroom (shocking, I know).  They really know how to play and work with each other.  We've certainly come a long way this year and I think we've all learned a ot from each other.  See you on Wednesday!  

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Matisse Masterpieces

Last week, we worked on Matisse masterpieces.  Henri Matisse was a French artist who made bright collages in simple shapes.  Matisse was a leader in the art style, Fauvism.  Matisse loved using colors and shapes and believed that they told stories in art. 

The children made their own collages by cutting and tearing pieces of various papers.  They each spent a lot of time planning what shapes and colors to use.  Andrew commented how much he loved the project and Jackson asked me why I hadn't told him what we were doing ahead of time.  I'm finding that the boys love gluing and pasting ANYTHING!

In the morning, we'll be working on masks and learning about a new artist.  There's rain in the forecast but I've got plenty planned to keep the children happy and busy.  

Monday, April 19, 2010