Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had our annual fall harvest party last Wednesday.  A great time was had by all! 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!  See you in December. 

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Rainy Wednesday Activities

Wow!  We seemed to have an endless amount of time to do everything yesterday.  I almost ran out of activities for the children to do.  We've not had many rain days that have kept us inside.  I did have quite a few movement activites planned.  I've posted a few pictures of the children in action. 

We are wrapping up our fall harvest unit study of apples and pumpkins. Yesterday, we worked on positional words using an apple and worm. The children were asked to place the worm on, beside, behind, etc. the apple. We'll continue to work on these spatial concepts throughout the school year. We also read the book, Thanksgiving Cats. The children talked about being thankful and we started our "thankful for trees" during our art time. They are going to make lovely Thanksgiving table centerpieces when they are completed!

Next week is our fall harvest party. The kids can get all decked out in their favorite costumes. We'll be having a hayride and pizza party and we'll be making our own dessert for the party. I'll email reminders about the party this weekend so stay turned!

Thursday, November 05, 2009


We read the story, Pumpkin Circle, this week.  This book is a story about a pumpkin garden.  It taught us about the life cycle of a pumpkin.  We learned that pumpkins need a sunny spot to grow getting at least six hours of sunlight.  The seeds do best when planted in warmer soil during the spring months.  They need sun, water, and soil in order to grow.  We used the book to help with the illustrations during art. The children made pumpkin prints using their painted knuckles.  They used colored pencils to create vines and tendrils.

The children are mastering the Day of The Week song.  I've been teaching them the signs too so hopefully by the end of the year, each one will be able to sing it and sign it.  We also worked out letter sounds this week for the letters A, B, and R.  Ryan insisted that we do his letter sound so we skipped on over the R.  Children do best learning letters and sounds when they are relevant and meaningful.  Because of that, we'll spend more time on the letters in the names of each child. 

There are only two class meetings before Thanksgiving week.  We are going to be learning the "Mr. Turkey Song" between now and then.  We'll also get started on a project next week which will include things that we are thankful for.  Don't forget, we'll be having a party during our last meeting of the month.  I'll send out more details soon.