Friday, October 31, 2008

Our Preschool Kitty

Jesse James
Our preschool kitty, Jesse James, died this morning. He was nine-years-old. It seems that he went peacefully (quickly and without suffering). The vet believes that he died of cardiac arrest.
Jesse spent the first two years of his life in the preschool with the kids and me. I just thought that it would be fitting to post a recent picture of him on our preschool blog.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Apple Unit Celebration

Here are a few of the many pictures from today. Enjoy!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Newsweek Article

I don't always share links to the articles that I read but this one is really good. Newsweek article: Struggling School Age Boys

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Johnny Appleseed

It was a wonderful day today and I enjoyed seeing the kids again. The break seemed to do all of us some good.
We learned about Johnny Appleseed today and the story that we read was about his travels and how he began planting apple seeds that were given away. He traveled across three states planting apple seeds.
I added some new toys to some of our centers so the children spent a lot of the morning exploring. We also spent some time outside playing. Granddaddy Joe had a small fire going so we spent a little time roasting marshmallows. We had a ton of fun today!
Next week is the last day of our apple unit so we'll end it with a hayride and costume party. We'll be ordering pizza so make sure that you send in $3 for that. We'll also be making a special treat that day too. I am looking forward to it. See you then!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Our Favorite Apples

Today we tasted a variety of apples. We also made applesauce. The children helped by measuring and counting the ingredients and they helped me use the apple peeler/corer/slicer gadget. You will find the recipe in your child's journal. We didn't chop our apples up too fine which I think gave it a good texture. The boys and I thought that the apple sauce was delicious!
We used the flannel board to tell a story today. We learned about the Star that found a home inside of the apple. Get your children to share the story with you. It's one of my favorite flannel board activities.
We had a wonderful time during music and movement today. Ms. Laura (Andrew's mom & my sister) took some photos of us on our train ride today:-) We learned a new finger play/rhyme. I've posted it below.
We will be on break for the next two Wednesdays. I will see you back in a few weeks. Check back this weekend for photos from our field trip.
Five Apples
Five red apples in a grocery store
Charlie ate one and then there were four.
Andrew ate one and then there were three.
Three red apples. What did Syan do?
Why she ate one and then there were two.
Two red apples ripening in the sun;
Jackson ate one and then there was one.
One red apple, and now we are done;
Michalea ate the last one and now there are none.