Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I just cannot say it enough. Thank you for sharing your children with me this year. They have been a huge blessing to me. I still cannot believe that it is all over.
The pool party was a lot of fun. Thank you for bringing all of the delicious sides and desserts. The children seemed to have a great time, despite the cooler temperatures. Thank you all for coming out.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful summer. Let's plan on meeting one day this summer. Keep in touch! I love you all!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

We had a very small class on Wednesday. Michalea was sick and Halei was on vacation in Barbados so that left the four of us. It seemed that there was a lot going on that day since my dad was in the hospital but the children were awesome and well behaved.
We learned a little about Michelangelo, the Italian painter and sculptor. He painted and sculpted images of David, Adam and Eve, and Jesus. His life seemed to be more joyful than some of the other artists that we've learned about. We also talked a little about Leonardo da Vinci, who painted the famous painting, The Last Supper.
The childen took their own ideas and scuplted and molded things out of clay. It was fun observing their minds and hands at work. It was a wonderful activity to complete our art study. I wish that we had more time because I feel like we have so much more material that we could cover.
Thank you all for sharing your children with me this year. I cannot tell you what a blessing they are to me. Wednesdays have been absolutely wonderful, for the most part:-) I'll post more pictures next week after the pool party. Oh, please remember to bring a side and cold drinks for your family. Don't forget to pack sunscreen and towels.
See you next week!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

More Butterfly News

My hopes of the butterflies hatching on Wednesday are diminishing. Two more have hatched today. I did take a video of one of them hatching so I'll either post it or show it to the children on Wednesday.


We released a butterfly this morning. It has been exactly 7 days since it formed it's chrysalis. I am hoping that some will wait and hatch on Wednesday morning.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Pablo Picasso

We studied Picasso today. We learned that he liked to draw, paint, and he wanted some of his paintings to make people feel happy. That is why some of his paintings dipicted clowns. He loved the circus and visited it once a week.
Picasso liked to use shapes (Cubisim) in some of his art. Our Mother's Day art projects included shapes and some were abstract and modern, much like Picasso's style of art. I think that he would have approved!
Do you see the picture of Jackson with the putty? We made that this morning using glue and liquid starch. It was messy and fun!
Here is a place online where you can make your own Picasso creations:
Putty Recipe (for Holly & Anderson:-)
1 part glue
1 part liquid starch

Saturday, May 03, 2008

More Molting

Well, we woke up this morning and found that all of the caterpillars have or are in the process of molting. I took these pictures a few minutes ago. To enlarge them, click on the images. Oh, and for more information about the life cycle of Painted Ladies, check out this link:

Friday, May 02, 2008

We have a chrysalis!

One down and seven more to go! Jackson noticed it at 4:00 today. The others seem like they are busy getting ready. They already ate all of the food that we gave them. (You can see the chrysalis at the far left of the picture)