Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Here are a few pictures from this past week. Enjoy!
I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas. See you in 2008!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Halei's Birthday & Santa Visits

Happy Birthday Halei! Halei celebrated her 5th birthday yesterday. We were treated to cupcakes made by Halei, herself! What a treat!Santa and Mrs. Claus made an appearance today. Some of the children even got to ride on Santa's ATV!
We have one more week of ornament making. This has been a fun activity for all of us. I love seeing the creations that the children come up with. Each ornament has been unique just like each child.
We will find out next week what God wants for Christmas when we open boxes 5-7. Also, our hot cocoa party will begin at 1:00 on Wednesday. Please send your child with a mug that day and bring one of your own if you plan to join us. See you next week!
P.S. Andrew is a big brother now. Rachel Cole was born on Wednesday evening. Andrew seemed to like the baby but was most excited about spending the night with Grandaddy!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Happy Birthday, Andrew!

We had another great day! I enjoyed having a little more time to work with the children this week. The children especially enjoyed playing in the woods this week. We were able to stay out longer than usual. Did they tell you what we saw while we were together? We saw a few snowflakes fall! We have lots of birthdays this month to celebrate. Andrew is turning "3" next week so Ms. Laura brought in a cookie cake for us to share. It was delicious! I've posted a picture of Andrew in the birthday crown. The birthday child always looks forward to wearing the crown. Also, each child gets a paper candle to blow out while the birthday child gets to blow out the number of candles on his/her cake (as you can see in the posted picture). This is fun and I usually turn it into a math lesson for the children. Did you see the beautiful ornaments that we made? I know that the children enjoyed creating such wonderful works of art. We have two more weeks before our Christmas break so the children will make at least two more ornaments, if not more. We read a Christmas book about the very first Christmas. We had some wonderful discussions about the book. We also learned a new finger play rhyme about the first Christmas. I'll try to print those and send them home so that you can work on them as a family. We did not get to view the Christmas movie this past week due to problems with the audio. I told the class that I would work on getting it fixed so that we can see the movie next week. Also, Santa and Mrs. Claus will be making a visit next Wednesday. They will be arriving around 1:45 so plan on staying around on Wednesday if you are interested in seeing them. See you next week!