Wednesday, November 28, 2007

We missed Michaela today. We prayed for her and hope that she and her sister feel better soon. We finished our apple unit today and we completed several fun math activities. After the children enjoyed "apple rolling art" we got a jump start on our ornament making activities. The children are looking forward to making lots of beautiful ornaments for our Christmas trees. Next week we will meet from 9:30-3:00. I hope that you all can get some Christmas shopping done! See you next week.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, I have a lot to be thankful for today. I just found my camera that I have prayed for over a week to find! I felt lost this week without it because I was not able to take pictures of the children or our field trip. I do think that God cares about the things that we consider "small". Now, I'll be able to take pictures this Thanksgiving and I'll be able to post pictures when we get back after Thanksgiving. Speaking of being thankful, thank you all for coming out to the farmer's market for our field trip. I had a wonderful time. It was nice to be able to enjoy a meal together. I was thinking ahead to next year (which I should not do) and it made me sad to think about the fact that we won't all be together. Your children are so dear to my heart. I feel blessed each Wednesday when I get to be with them. They are a lot of fun and while they are busy learning and exploring, they teach me so much about life! So, this Thanksgiving, I am adding you all to my "thankful for" list. Last week, we got to discuss things that we were thankful for. I enjoyed helping the children write down what they were thankful for. I hope that you were also blessed as your read the leaves on the "thankful tree". We talked more about apples and we made little books about Johnny Appleseed. We also read a short story about him. We'll spend one more day learning about apples and then we will move on to our Christmas unit. If you have pictures of the field trip, please send them to me and I will post them online. Again, I hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 09, 2007


This past week, we spent most of the day talking and learning about apples. We tasted three varieties of apples (red, green, and yellow ones). The children used their math skills to count and graph our favorites on two apple graphs. We also learned that there is a star inside of the apple which holds the seeds. We all enjoyed the "Apple Star" flannel board story. Ask your child and see if she can retell the story. There was a star that was looking for a house with no windows, no doors, and a little brown chimney. At the end of the story, the star found an apple. We then sliced an apple in half and found the star. We are learning new finger plays also. The finger plays that we work on encourage fine motor development. They are fun for the children because they involve repetition, rhyme, and movement. Some of our finger plays include numbers and math. See, we are learning new skills all of the time! Thanks for sharing your delightful children with me. I am enjoying watching them learn and grow. Oh, no pictures this week because I forgot my camera but I will post a picture of our apple graph. See you on Wednesday.