Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Christmas

Thank you all for helping to make 2006 a wonderful year for me. I cannot tell you how much your children bless me each week. God always seems to send such wonderful families my way and in turn, blesses me with wonderful friendships. I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Nativity Snack We gathered up snacks that would help reinforce the story of Jesus's birth. Here is what we came up with and what we ate in class today: Star cereal- represent the star of Bethlehem which the Wisemen followed. (Matthew 2:1-2) Cheerios- remind us of the hallos of angels that sang at the birth of Baby Jesus. (Luke 2:13-14) Animal Cookies- Remind us that Jesus was born in a stable. (Luke 2:7) Pretzel sticks- (shepherd's staff) remind us of the shepherds that came to see the new born king. (Luke 2:15-18) Marshmallows- Remind us of the pure holy baby that came to save us and wash as white as snow. (Luke 2:11) M&M's (we found this poem online): As you hold these candies in you hand, and turn them you will see. The M becomes a W, an E, and a 3. They tell the Christmas story. It's one I'm sure you know. It took place in a stable. A long, long time ago. The E is for the East where the star shone so bright. The M is for manger where Baby Jesus slept that night. The 3 if for the Wisemen, bearing gifts they say they came. W is for worship, hallelujah, praise His name. So as you eat these candies or share them with a friend, remember the meaning of Christmas. It's a love story that never ends.

Happy 4th Birthday Halei!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

We created some beautiful ornaments today but that was not the highlight of our day. We got to see a live bat hanging like an ornament from Mr. Joe's (Granddaddy Joe) four-wheeler. We got to see the bat upclose but we made sure that we did not touch the bat (since we all know that they can carry rabies like any other wildlife animal). Mr. Joe did touch the bat and Allyson told us before lunch that he needed to make certain that he washed his hands. The children had a lot of questions about the bat. I did a little research and I will post the links here. I found out that bats are mammas and they nurse their young. Their faces looks similar to a fox. I also found that bats are very useful creatures. They prey on pesky mosquitos and other insects. See, we learn something new all of the time! See you at Tinsel Town at 4:00 on Friday!